Parents » School Fees

School Fees

2023-24 Activity Fees for ALL Students is $225.00

Activity fee includes first ID card, one lock for locker, instructional cost for textbooks and other instructional materials, postage/special mailings for student and parent correspondents, student incentives and annual yearbook.

Physical Education Fees
PE Uniform - $20.00
JROTC Uniform Rental - $20.00 (other fees apply if lost)

Uniform Shirts - $15.00
School Uniform Jackets - $30.00

Replacement Locks - $5.00

Replacement ID card - $5.00
Temporary ID card -  $3.00
Optional Fee:
Half-Cap Ceremony: $45.00 (For qualifying Sophomores)

Please note: Students will be issued a debt if any equipment or books are damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed. Students must obtain a Police report for any stolen item from the Chicago Police Department.
Eligible Seniors, please see Senior Events Fee Sheet in the Main Office.